Explore the Scientific Programme
Facts about the Congress
EMAS is the key international society promoting health in women and men at midlife and beyond in the era of e-medicine.
A cutting edge meeting with a unique experience to
- learn from and speak to international experts.
- see your colleagues.
- promote your research and ideas.
- experience ground-breaking education.
- progress healthcare and research for midlife and menopause in the era of e- medicine.
The congress helps to raise awareness of the following facts and discuss solutions
- Managing menopausal and post-menopausal health is a key issue for all areas of medicine, not just gynecology. Therefore EMAS Congress provides education for all doctors and healthcare professionals, not just gynecologists.
- Menopause is an important gender- and age-equality issue, and menopausal health also extends into the workplace.
- Heart disease is the leading cause of death in women worldwide and underrecognized as occurs 10 years later in women than in men.
- Seeking a global perspective on women’s health and ageing adapting to COVID-19.
- We are at the forefront of virtual medicine with a new way of delivering healthcare with online consultations and wearables.
- Menopause treatment needs to be individualised as not all treatments, i.e. women, have different needs and not all HRTs are the same.
Review of the last EMAS face to face congress in 2019, Berlin, Germany
The 14th European Congress on Menopause and Andropause
Learn more about the meeting:
Find out which topics will be covered at the 14th European Congress on Menopause and Andropause and other useful information.
How to get there?
Learn more about how to fly to Florence from your destination, organize your visa requirements & book your airport transfer if needed.
Find the most suitable sponsorship package for your company and connect with researchers and professionals from all over the world.
Congress Venue
Learn more about the venue, where the EMAS Congress will take place.
To submit an abstract and present your research, have a look here!
Key Figures:
- 850+ healthcare professionals from 70+ countries
- 3 days of scientific exchange
- 50+ scientific sessions
- Debates, workshops, clinical cases, practical sessions
EMAS School, Junior Mentorship Program - Italian-speaking sessions
- Industry sponsored sessions